Thursday, 7 May 2015

War Thunder - The Story

Although War Thunder is generally played for it's multi-player modes, the game also contains a long campaign mode integrated between the 5 nations being played: Germany, Soviet Union, Japan, Britain and U.S.A. However, War Thunder doesn't have a fixed story line but rather a long list of famous campaigns undertaken by either of the 5 nations where a background story is provided of each campaign. Following through the campaign, we are able to grasp each major win and loss of the nation and how these campaigns contributed to the final push towards victory and turning points in the wars.

These Campaigns include:

The Pacific Campaign ( WW2)

The Pacific Campaign involves the war in the Pacific between Japan and America the allies. The Pacific Campaign in War Thunder includes: The attack on Pearl Harbour, Guadalcanal Campaign, The Battle of Okinawa, New Guinea Campaign, Battle of Saipan, Battle of the Philippine sea, Battle of Guam, Battle of Peleliu and the Battle of Iwo Jima. Playing as either the Japanese or the US/Australian's, history of each battle is repeated starting with the attack of Pearl Harbour, flying in the Zeros (A6M2) as seen above, or flying out in the Kittyhawk to defend Pearl Harbour, players are able to have a taste of the point of view of each side and the history behind each battle.

Eastern Front ( WW2)

The Eastern Front Campaign in World War II was between The Allied Forces (U.S., Britain, France, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Yugoslavia, USSR, Norway, Greece) and The Axis (Germany, Bulgaria and Romania). In War Thunder, campaigns such as the Battle for Kuban, Battle of Stalingrad, Battle of Kursk and many others have been remade for players to experience the hardships and historic value of these battles. Playing together with USSR planes and ground forces, the Allies provided well needed back up in the Eastern Front surrounding Russia and its neighbours. 

Western Front (WW2) 

Replaying the events that unfolded around 60 years ago, War Thunder recreated The Western Front campaign which includes the Battle of Britain, Ruhr, Sicilian Operation, Battle of Bulge, Battle of Berlin and Norwegian Campaign. The main highlights on this front includes the historic  Battle of Britain over Dover where the British and US repelled the German Offensive. In the Battle of Bulge, players play this historic battle in both German and Allied perspectives. Escorting the large formation of B-17 bombers in P-51 Mustangs and even playing as one of the bombers, defending yourself against the German fighters. In the German's perspectives, your goal is to hunt all the bombers and prevent them from reaching the cities and industrial areas. Remaining on par with historic information, as the campaign moved closer to the Battle of Berlin, the first Jet, the Me262's can be accessed and used against the Allied Offensive. 

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