The story begins with a bloody war between the Dragon king Antailsoros and the Evil dragon king Manflores, then the dragon clan was divided into two parts. This war continued for a long time and finally was stopped by some exotic visitors, Titan, which had metallic skin and mountainous body. They were likely to be most intelligent creator in whole university and had traveled to lots of stars helping other races to build their civilization. Thus, with their endless-power help, the good team beat the evil one. After that, the Antailsoros seal it to sub-plane of the world of Dota, which is called the dragon soul shackles.
Unfortunately, there came another dark force, the Burning Legion, whose leader was Sargeras, an fallen Titan. This legion had destroyed many civilization which had accepted support from Titan, because it aimed to revenge the Titan. Since, the cooperation of the night elves, the prior elves, tauren, troll, human and dragon was necessary and impending. From this moment, a prolonged war between the Burning Legion and Praetorian Legion started. Moreover, there were lots of heroes and soldiers join in this crucial war, which is the real appearance of the Dota war.
If you really fascinate in this story and want more details, please enjoy this video.
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