Friday, 15 May 2015

War Thunder - My Favourite Nations and Planes!

My Favourite Nations and Planes!

Each of the five nations in War Thunder each contain their own unique play style. From the heavier planes known as the Boom and Zoom (BnZ) type which are specialised to dive on unsuspecting opponents and open up with their heavy arsenal to the turn fighters where they are light, fragile and have more lighter and accurate weapons with a smaller ammo rack.

Although all five nations contain a mixture of both the BnZ and Turnfighter class fighters. Nation's such as Germany and US, contain mainly BnZ fighters such as the Bf109 series, Focke Wulf 109 series, Mustangs and F4U Corsairs with a small number of well balanced fighters such as the F8F-1 and F8F-B Bearcats.


 F4U Corsairs


 Japan and Britain on the otherhand contain mainly turnfighters specialising in close combat. Preferring turn fighters over the BnZ class planes, my favourites include Japan's A6M2 and A6M3 also known as 'Zeroes' and Britains Spitfire Mk IIB and the Spitfire Griffon Mk 24 aswell as bombers such as the B-17.

Japan - A6M2 (Zero)

Britain - Spitfire Mk II.B

My four favourite fighters listed above are agile, and the more devastating accurate cannons compared to the fw-190s/bf109s cannons but however they suffer from major drawbacks which affects them in realistic battles due to them having the lowest amount of cannon ammo which is unfavourable in long drawn out battles. The Spitfire Griffon Mk 24 is my most played which is both a high tier turn fighter aswell as having similar characteristics of BnZ fighters. Although the griffon has a relatively small ammo load of 520 Hispano Mk V cannons compared to its German and American counterparts, the need to think over your small ammo load makes it alot more challenging and difficult to know when to shoot. Using the most devastating cannon type in the game only a small short accurate burst is needed to knock out any plane in the sky.

Britain - Spitfire Griffon Mk 24

US - B-17

One of the most played bombers in the game due to it's defensive capabilities and ability to take a beating, the B-17 is also one of my favourite planes to play when I feel like a change from the usual fighters. Having to learn to aim ahead though the bomber's bomb scopes to predict your target's movement and also learning how to play in the gunner's view makes playing bombers incredibly fun if you also play with a formation of bombers. The B-17, also known as the Flying Fortress is equipped with 12.7 browning machine guns across the entire plane providing nearly no blind spots for enemy fighters to sneak up through. 

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