This video shows a parody of the Amazing Race substituted with objectives within the games we have written about for our topic.
Wednesday, 27 May 2015
The Gaming Race (Video)
This video shows a parody of the Amazing Race substituted with objectives within the games we have written about for our topic.
Tuesday, 26 May 2015
Age of Empires II Best Civilization
The Huns:
The best civilization to play in Age of Empires II in my opinion is the Huns. This is because they are extremely versatile and are able to adapt to any map that you decide to play on. They particularly strive on maps that incorporate lots of water due to the fact they do not need houses, which allows you to save wood and expand your empire without being bottle-necked by the population limit.
Furthermore, the cavalry used for this civilization is extremely effective as they can access all the upgrades at such little cost. This is beneficial because these Calvary are good at scouting out the map at the beginning of the game, and allows you to rush your opponents who are struggling with their upgrading technology, if this is your preferred play style.
The main highlight of the Huns is their ability to be efficient and powerful without having a drain on resources. Not only can they avoid building houses, and upgrade their stable and calvary cheaply and quickly, they are also able to build many of their buildings and infantry without the use of gold. This means that they villagers can be used instead to gather food which is an essential asset in the game as most units require food in order to train them.
However, on the negative side the Huns are highlighted as an offensive civilization and therefore lack the ability to defend their towns and cities effectively. This is in particular because the only defensive mechanisms they can build are watch towers and stone walls. Therefore it is advisable for anyone who likes to play offensively is to rush the enemy with waves of cavalry and cavalry archers in order to prevent the enemies from bringing the fight back home.
LoL My Favourite Player --- Faker
Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok is the Mid Laner for SK Telecom T1, who is my favourite player all over the world.Faker's early gaming experience included custom maps on Warcraft 3, particularly Footman Frenzy and DotA. He started playing League of Legends when the Korean server opened in December 2011. He played LeBlanc heavily, which allowed him to progress into a strong mid laner. He was picked up by SK Telecom T1 in February 2013 and played on their second team. He moved onto the first team in June and has remained there since (despite recent name changes by the team).
- Awarded Best Mid Laner at the 2013 Korean e-Sports Awards.
- Dustin Beck, the vice president of Riot games, said Faker is the "Michael Jordan" of League of Legends in a press conference at Staples Center.
- Faker tends to play Gragas, LeBlanc, Riven, Zed, Ahri and Orianna.
- He is considered the best League of Legends player in the world by many e-sports journalists and pro players such as Thorin, Alex Ich, and Maknoon who called him the "Lionel Messi of League of Legends".
- Was highly regarded for his LeBlanc play during an OGN Spring match against MVP Blue where he went 11-0-2.
- Is notable for not using any alternate skins for champions he plays. There are four known exceptions to this fact, the first was in Game 1 of the OGN Winter Grand Finals 2013 where he used Battle Bunny Riven. Faker went on to state that this was a mistake as the OGN staff check the players accounts before the games, and the tester of his account selected the skin - which Faker did not notice in Champion Select.The second time was at the 2014 League of Legends All-Star event, the entire line up of SKT T1 K used their team's respective champion skins, with Faker using SKT T1 K Zed. The third occurence happened in Game 1 against HUYA in the 2015 Champions Preseason when he picked Pulsefire Ezreal. The fourth time he used a skin was when they faced Incredible Miracle in 2015 LCK Spring Round Robin, where he used Lunar Goddess Diana in Game 1.
- Is well known for his hyper aggressive play style.
- Known for his amazing solo queue performance with Riven on the North American server during the Season 3 World Championship, earning him a 92 % win rate in 24 games.
- Owns two flower pots to relieve stress.
- Popularized Riven being played in the mid lane.
- Previously played a MOBA called 'Chaos'; he credits it as a factor in his easy transition into League.
- Quoted as the "Unkillable Demon King" by Cool.
- Views his team mates as his second family and thinks the family atmosphere strengthens the team.
- Was both the Season MVP and the Mid Lane KDA leader in the HOT6iX Champions Summer 2013 and PANDORA.TV Champions Winter 2013-2014.
- Widely renowned for his deep champion pool, mastery of mechanical play, and understanding of the meta-game.
- Popularized Zilean, Xerath mid.
- In SoloQ he always bans Garen, Galio and Gangplank, because they are the first 3 champions in the Korean champion roster.
- Recently awarded for getting the first Pentakill in LCK Spring 2015 in their game against NaJin e-mFire with his LeBlanc.
- When Faker makes an impressive play during the English casting of professional matches, they're commonly referred to as, 'Things Faker does' due to his reputation for consistent outstanding performances.
- He had an undefeated record with LeBlanc in competitive play (12-0) before losing against EDG in the 2015 Mid-Season Invitational.
- Reportedly had a can of tuna in his pocket before going onstage for MSI 2015 vs TSM.
Monday, 25 May 2015
The Success of WoW
World of Warcraft launched at a time where the MMORPG genre was dominated games such as Runescape, EVE Online and Maplestory. So what exactly did Blizzard Entertainment do to turn World of Warcraft into arguably the most successful MMORPG game in history? How did WoW retain so many players despite having a pay-to-play model with a monthly fee while most competitors are free-to-play? Below I will analyse the top reasons that attributed to WoW's success.
1. WoW was based off the RTS game Warcraft, a game series which already had a massive following at the time of WoW's release in 2004. While WoW is a completely different game to Warcraft, it stayed true to its roots in many regards, including Warcraft's lore and characters.
2. Immersive world - WoW is notorious for having a massive world and very expansive lore. The world is so big that it would take a ridiculous amount of time to be able to explore all of it. Players especially love the fact that even in very remote, desolate areas of the WoW universe, you will encounter many different, interesting non-player controlled characters with rich back stories. It is evident that the development team spent a lot of time and resources on developing the characters and if you simply google any character you'll find their back stories and whole history.
3. Cater to everyone - Another reason I think WoW has been so successful because it doesn't only cater to a specific group of players. It has content which caters to every crowd, no matter if they are casual players or hardcore players, PvE'ers or Pvp'ers. There are plenty of quests and exploration available for casual players as well as easy mode dungeons and raids which allows them to see the content and the lore/story but do not take up too much time. Meanwhile, there are heroic and mythic mode dungeons and raids suited for hardcore players. There are also plenty of content available to those who enjoy engaging in PvP combat, with battlegrounds, rated battlegrounds, WPvP, arena and more.
4. Endless things to do - WoW offers players more than enough to do to keep them occupied. Players can work on character progression, or professions or exploring new zones and doing those quest. The bottom line is that if you look, there is something to do to prevent you from being bored.
5. The community - Often times in WoW, you will find a sense of community and comradery with fellow players, especially those on the same faction as you. Players will often help you with quests and dungeons when they see you having trouble with them. They will also likely alert you to the presence of danger in the case that they see enemies ahead. Especially back in the earlier expansions you would so easily make so many friends that you likely will be running around with a full friends' list.
6. Expansions to bring new content and new zones - Over the course of WoW's life, we've seen a pattern regarding the subscription numbers of WoW. At the beginning of a new expansion, we often see a massive spike in subscription numbers, mainly contributed by old, returning players wanting to experience the new content. Then, we will see a slow decline in those numbers until a new expansion is released and the cycle begins anew.
7. Constant updates and rebalances - Blizzard Entertainment has a big development team which helps release new patches and constant rebalancing of classes as well as dungeons and raids. This allows classes to feel relatively even in terms of both PvP and PvE.
The above 7 reasons are why I believe has been so successful. They simply offered gamers what usually wasn't found in traditional MMORPG's. They used their already successful franchise of Warcraft to create an MMO that differentiated from the masses which has then allowed them to garner a playerbase which is loyal to the franchise.
1. WoW was based off the RTS game Warcraft, a game series which already had a massive following at the time of WoW's release in 2004. While WoW is a completely different game to Warcraft, it stayed true to its roots in many regards, including Warcraft's lore and characters.
2. Immersive world - WoW is notorious for having a massive world and very expansive lore. The world is so big that it would take a ridiculous amount of time to be able to explore all of it. Players especially love the fact that even in very remote, desolate areas of the WoW universe, you will encounter many different, interesting non-player controlled characters with rich back stories. It is evident that the development team spent a lot of time and resources on developing the characters and if you simply google any character you'll find their back stories and whole history.
3. Cater to everyone - Another reason I think WoW has been so successful because it doesn't only cater to a specific group of players. It has content which caters to every crowd, no matter if they are casual players or hardcore players, PvE'ers or Pvp'ers. There are plenty of quests and exploration available for casual players as well as easy mode dungeons and raids which allows them to see the content and the lore/story but do not take up too much time. Meanwhile, there are heroic and mythic mode dungeons and raids suited for hardcore players. There are also plenty of content available to those who enjoy engaging in PvP combat, with battlegrounds, rated battlegrounds, WPvP, arena and more.
4. Endless things to do - WoW offers players more than enough to do to keep them occupied. Players can work on character progression, or professions or exploring new zones and doing those quest. The bottom line is that if you look, there is something to do to prevent you from being bored.
5. The community - Often times in WoW, you will find a sense of community and comradery with fellow players, especially those on the same faction as you. Players will often help you with quests and dungeons when they see you having trouble with them. They will also likely alert you to the presence of danger in the case that they see enemies ahead. Especially back in the earlier expansions you would so easily make so many friends that you likely will be running around with a full friends' list.
6. Expansions to bring new content and new zones - Over the course of WoW's life, we've seen a pattern regarding the subscription numbers of WoW. At the beginning of a new expansion, we often see a massive spike in subscription numbers, mainly contributed by old, returning players wanting to experience the new content. Then, we will see a slow decline in those numbers until a new expansion is released and the cycle begins anew.
7. Constant updates and rebalances - Blizzard Entertainment has a big development team which helps release new patches and constant rebalancing of classes as well as dungeons and raids. This allows classes to feel relatively even in terms of both PvP and PvE.
The above 7 reasons are why I believe has been so successful. They simply offered gamers what usually wasn't found in traditional MMORPG's. They used their already successful franchise of Warcraft to create an MMO that differentiated from the masses which has then allowed them to garner a playerbase which is loyal to the franchise.
Diablo - The begin & the end in my school life
Diablo Series is the first game and also the last game I play in my school life.
More than ten years ago at primary school age, i started playing my first game while my older brother leaves his desktop on for sleep. On his desktop, there are kind of classic games such as Heroes of Jin Yong, Winning Eleven 9, Counter Strike 1.5 and Diablo 2. Because i cannot find the controller, and i have no more choice of game. Then, i double-clicked the Diablo 2 icons and my gaming life started from this point.
After playing several hours, i absolute addict of this game. The only problem is not having many chances to play on a computer which is my brother dominated. After that, i always bargained parents to buy one more desktop for assisting me study, which is a plot of having a gaming desktop. Although my plan failed and i argue for having computer time, i still cannot play more on it. Moreover, i not a boy who easy give up and a negotiate with my brother.
Come up a rule of change sit after dead in the game, and it is the best gaming childhood forever by being played with Counter Strike 1.5 and Diablo 2. The additional fun moment of that period, we will play Winning Eleven 9 by betting everything for each match, such as sweeping floor, cash and punish.
During days gone, players on Diablo 2 became less and we left too. Until the Diablo 3 published ten years later, we play it again while we grow up and i already got a laptop. But my brother studied overseas and had the time difference for play Diablo 3 with me.
And few years passed, situation still the same which is i studied overseas and he backed home. The happiness on gaming with him only on holiday. It's hard to find a free time of playing it anymore now and so on i have not bought the expansion version too. I believe one day, maybe in Diablo 4, i will play this game again.
Sunday, 24 May 2015
War Thunder's Future Developments and Expansions
War Thunder Development and Expansion
Recently War Thunder has just finished its Beta Testing, myself also being a Beta player have both seen and contributed in the developments of War Thunder by providing feedback in order to make the game as realistic as possible. War Thunder has three major expansions. The first was the creation of the game and the introduction of planes. The second was the expansion "Ground Forces" where tanks and other ground vehicles would be introduced. In the later third expansion, War Thunder will introduce the final frontier, "Naval Warfare" which will revolve around naval battles and cooperation battles between air forces, naval forces and ground forces.
With historians being hired by Gajin, War Thunder's game owners, they go and search for information and blueprints on the historic wars and the planes, vehicles and ships that took part in them. Introducing new planes and vehicles every couple of months like the recent 1.41 patch where Ground Forces was introduced and the 1.43 patch where 25 new planes for all nations have been added. Such as the:
Horton 229, Germany's secret weapon against America in WW2
De Havilland Venom, Britain's best jet fighter during WW2
F7F-1 Tigercat Carrier Fighter
B57 Canberra Jet Bomber
Jet Yokosuka R2Y2 "Keiun" - One of Japan's few jet fighters
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
The story between Dota and me
If someone ask me why you are so fascinated in this game in which a little figure kept crawling in a gloomy picture with boring battles, I can show you lots of reasons, such as keeping fighting with enemies as a real man, pursuring a success with perfect teamwork, and pleasure of micro-operation in front of enemies. However, if someone ask when did you start playing Dota, I will fall silence for a time, because it was a long story.
The first time I confronted with Dota was about at my eight grade, when I was changing channels on TV wearily. A colorful screen came to my eyes, where there were some familiar heroes in this game to me which I had used in Warcraft before. After I had watched for a moment, I found it was a little difficult to understand because the heros' skills are too exquisite to know who had released that and the picture of game is a little somber making me feel depressed. However, when I saw my friend playing the game several months later at vocatioin, a new idea came to my mind that why not have a try with my friends. At first, I always lost even with the help of my friends. Then they told me to watch some videoes to learn how to behave better and what necessary equipments I should gain for each stage.
Then it came to my long vocation between senior and junior highschool, when I was almost got addicted to this game. I played this game for a whole day without relax nearly. Yet, there came the moment when I finally realized the real meaning of the game, attributing to a talk with my team member. He asked me why we always play this game without boring. 'Because it is interesting enough.' 'No, becasue we are so lonely and losing and hold a illusion that we can gain success here forever, but this is not the real purpose of this game. Dota means die or try again, which is not asking you to play the game again and again but recommand you to go back to the real world then have a try again.' Later, I found that I am no longer addicted to the temporary escape of the game but face to everything in my life straightforwardly without heisitation, only play this with old friends for fun and for reminding us the old friendship.
Nowadays, I open this game sometimes to find some familiar feeling of highschool, but can not get that. The reason may be that the familiar friends are not accompanied with me anymore, and it is only me who still miss the period we have spent together long before. For me, Dota is absolutely not just a game but a symbol of old memory and symbol of my teenager period, which will be stored in my deep inside forever.
--by Chong Yao
The first time I confronted with Dota was about at my eight grade, when I was changing channels on TV wearily. A colorful screen came to my eyes, where there were some familiar heroes in this game to me which I had used in Warcraft before. After I had watched for a moment, I found it was a little difficult to understand because the heros' skills are too exquisite to know who had released that and the picture of game is a little somber making me feel depressed. However, when I saw my friend playing the game several months later at vocatioin, a new idea came to my mind that why not have a try with my friends. At first, I always lost even with the help of my friends. Then they told me to watch some videoes to learn how to behave better and what necessary equipments I should gain for each stage.
Then it came to my long vocation between senior and junior highschool, when I was almost got addicted to this game. I played this game for a whole day without relax nearly. Yet, there came the moment when I finally realized the real meaning of the game, attributing to a talk with my team member. He asked me why we always play this game without boring. 'Because it is interesting enough.' 'No, becasue we are so lonely and losing and hold a illusion that we can gain success here forever, but this is not the real purpose of this game. Dota means die or try again, which is not asking you to play the game again and again but recommand you to go back to the real world then have a try again.' Later, I found that I am no longer addicted to the temporary escape of the game but face to everything in my life straightforwardly without heisitation, only play this with old friends for fun and for reminding us the old friendship.
Nowadays, I open this game sometimes to find some familiar feeling of highschool, but can not get that. The reason may be that the familiar friends are not accompanied with me anymore, and it is only me who still miss the period we have spent together long before. For me, Dota is absolutely not just a game but a symbol of old memory and symbol of my teenager period, which will be stored in my deep inside forever.
--by Chong Yao
Sunday, 17 May 2015
WoW PvP Classes of the Month - Rogue and Hunter edition
Starting from this month, I will compose a segment specifically dedicated to explaining the roles of each class in PvP combat. This month, I shall begin with my 2 favourite classes, the rogue and the hunter. WoW is a very diverse game, with most players developing their own playstyle as they progress within the game. In PvP combat though, each class with have specific duties to perform in order to ensure that your team will perform well.
The rogue class is very unique in general. They rely heavily on their ability to stealth, disallowing enemy detection so that they can easily get the first attack in. Rogues are a very complex class, with a very steep learning curve and so you won't be likely to see many new players playing a rogue. Instead, most rogue players are already veterans at the game and will be able to utilize a rogue quite effectively.
In order to be an good rogue, one must utilize the stealth ability to the best of the its ability. Stealth essentially allows the player to be completely undetectable until he opens an attack or is very, very close to the target already. Several of the rogue's best attacks are only usable while in stealth mode.
Below lists the most common openers (first attack used against opponent, will take yourself out of stealth).
1. Cheap Shot - This ability stuns the enemy for 3.5 seconds. This ability is extremely useful because it disallows the enemy from performing any action at all for the duration. Healers will not be able to heal, and damage dealers will not be able to do any damage.
2. Garrote - Silences the enemy target, disallowing them from casting any magic for 3 seconds. This will only be used on magic classes such as mages and warlocks. This will effectively prevent those classes from doing anything for the whole duration.
3. Ambush - Deals massive damage to the enemy. An ability used to attempt to kill the target in a short amount of time, or attempt to finish off an already wounded enemy.
4. Sap - Incapacitate the target - Preventing all action for 8 seconds. The target will recover from this effect when damage is dealt. This ability is essentially use to take a target out of the action for an amount of time.
The main role of the rogue in PvP battles to help his team lock down enemy targets with a myriad of stuns, incapacitates, blinds, poisons and silences. They can also kill targets quite easily if they wish to forgo using the aforementioned abilities. Their ability to come out of nowhere and kill a target before he can react is one of the reasons why the rogue is quite often the most feared, and also most hated class in WoW. In team fights, the rogues will simply try to stop the team's healers, or simply try to kill targets on low HP. Rogues can also run the flags in capture the flag modes because of their speed. Furthermore, a rogue will not be able to go toe-to-toe in a fight against heavy armour classes such as warriors and paladins and must be willing to use cat and mouse tactics to gain the upper hand.
As a result, rogues are often regarded as a cowardly class to play. However, the players who believe this are usually inexperienced and do not understand the true roles that the rogue plays in the team. Their efforts are often under-appreciated. However, if you simply enjoy the playstyle of the class and do not really care about recognition of others, this is the class for you.
The hunter is another damage dealing class in WoW. The hunter class is a ranged class, usually wielding a bow or a gun. Hunters also have the option of using a pet to help in combat. The pet itself can offer a range of unique abilities to the hunter depend on the type of pet that the hunter wishes to tame. The hunter class seems quite simple at first and thus attract the majority of newer players. However, it is usually considered to the class that is the easiest to learn but one of the hardest to master.
The strength of the hunter lies in its power to kill targets from afar. Hunters are a dedicated damage dealer class with limited crowd-control abilities. However, they make up for this with the pure amount of damage that they can deal from range. Like most other ranaged classes, the hunter can be easily killed should melee classes get too close and so they must use their arsenal of abilities to keep targets as far away as possible. This way, they can deal maximum damage to their targets while staying away from their attacks.
In PvP combat, the hunter will be considered the primary damage dealer. In team fights, their job will be to simply kill enemies. They also offer some useful skills such as interrupts and traps. The most noteworthy hunter skills include;
1. Aimed Shot - The hunter charges up their bow to deal damage to the enemy target. Charges up for about 2 seconds.
2. Kill Shot - Deals a massive amount of damage to a wounded target (<35% hp). This is one of the hunter's most feared abilities as it will mostly kill the enemy in one hit. Opponents must make sure to stay above 35% hp.
3. Frost Trap - Places a trap on the ground that is invisible to enemies. The first enemy to step on the trap will be frozen in place for 8 seconds.
However, in high level PvP, hunters are often required to defend bases. This is because of their ability to keep multiple enemies at bay while giving their team enough time to arrive and offer help. Thus, hunters are notoriously known as the base defenders at this level of play. Because of this, at least one hunter is required to have a successful team.
Hunters have one of the most important roles in group PvP, and as a result they are generally very sought after. To be a good hunter player in WoW, you must know your role in battles and do not do anything that is not designated to you.
That is all for this month's WoW PvP Classes of the Month. Stay tuned for next month's mage and priest edition.
-Albert Lan
In PvP combat, the hunter will be considered the primary damage dealer. In team fights, their job will be to simply kill enemies. They also offer some useful skills such as interrupts and traps. The most noteworthy hunter skills include;
1. Aimed Shot - The hunter charges up their bow to deal damage to the enemy target. Charges up for about 2 seconds.
2. Kill Shot - Deals a massive amount of damage to a wounded target (<35% hp). This is one of the hunter's most feared abilities as it will mostly kill the enemy in one hit. Opponents must make sure to stay above 35% hp.
3. Frost Trap - Places a trap on the ground that is invisible to enemies. The first enemy to step on the trap will be frozen in place for 8 seconds.
However, in high level PvP, hunters are often required to defend bases. This is because of their ability to keep multiple enemies at bay while giving their team enough time to arrive and offer help. Thus, hunters are notoriously known as the base defenders at this level of play. Because of this, at least one hunter is required to have a successful team.
Hunters have one of the most important roles in group PvP, and as a result they are generally very sought after. To be a good hunter player in WoW, you must know your role in battles and do not do anything that is not designated to you.
That is all for this month's WoW PvP Classes of the Month. Stay tuned for next month's mage and priest edition.
-Albert Lan
Diablo 3 My Favourite Character Class
Although each character class has their different post in a team, such as provide damage and healing teammates. For me, long range weapon is more suitable for me because it creates time for escape when realize impossible to win. Demon Hunter is my favorite one, which can place traps and cast shadow magic for attacking or avoid from damage.
For a fight, demon hunter usually uses one-hand bow, two-hand bow, crossbow with quivers. The reason is the skill of demon hunter whatever on offensive or defensive, some of that require with a ranged weapon. Under the design with long range weapon, and low armor. It causes dead when a monster get closer every time. This is best character class in a normal game (softcore) since the build of demon hunter can bring huge attack damage. But demon hunter in hardcore mode, which is only have one life and lost everything when dead, is hard to survive. It is easy killed by yourself due to quick attack speed by enemy whose got an ability of damage reflects.
Different with other character class, demon hunter has his special resource of using which are hatred and discipline. These two recourse is using by different skill and generation of resource normally is slowly but some weapon or passive skill support on it. This makes the balance of a character. All skill of demon hunter is at below. and there are six categories skill set: primary, secondary, defensive, hunting, device and archery.
Primary Skills:
Hungering Arrow, Entangling Shot, Bolas, Evasive Fire, Grenade
Secondary Skills:
Impale, Rapid Fire, Chakram, Elemental Arrow
Defensive Skills:
Caltrops, Smoke Screen, Shadow Power
Hunting Skills:
Vault, Preparation, Companion, Marked for Death
Devices Skills:
Fan of Knives • Spike Trap, Sentry, Vengeance
Archery Skills:
Strafe, Multishot, Cluster Arrow, Rain of Vengeance
Passive Skills
Thrill of the Hunt, Tactical Advantage, Blood Vengeance, Steady Aim, Cull the Weak, Night Stalker, Brooding, Hot Pursuit, Archery, Numbing Traps, Perfectionist, Custom Engineering,
Grenadier, Sharpshooter, Ballistics, Ambush, Awareness, Single Out
- By Ching
Primary Skills:
Hungering Arrow, Entangling Shot, Bolas, Evasive Fire, Grenade
Secondary Skills:
Impale, Rapid Fire, Chakram, Elemental Arrow
Defensive Skills:
Caltrops, Smoke Screen, Shadow Power
Hunting Skills:
Vault, Preparation, Companion, Marked for Death
Fan of Knives • Spike Trap, Sentry, Vengeance
Strafe, Multishot, Cluster Arrow, Rain of Vengeance
Thrill of the Hunt, Tactical Advantage, Blood Vengeance, Steady Aim, Cull the Weak, Night Stalker, Brooding, Hot Pursuit, Archery, Numbing Traps, Perfectionist, Custom Engineering,
Grenadier, Sharpshooter, Ballistics, Ambush, Awareness, Single Out
- By Ching
Friday, 15 May 2015
LoL My Favourite Champion ---- LeBlanc, the Deceiver
Every city has its dark side, even one whose reputation is already of a questionable hue. Noxus - though its name is already invoked with a mixture of reverence and revulsion - is no exception to this simple truth. Deep within the winding dungeons that honeycomb the earth beneath its dark, meandering streets lies the real underbelly of this sprawling metropolis, a haven for all manner of malevolence. Amongst the cults, covens, and secret societies that call this labyrinth their home, LeBlanc, the Deceiver, presides over the Black Rose, a remnant from a lost, yet similarly unscrupulous time in Noxian history. Ruthless and seemingly ageless, LeBlanc and her ilk were a mainstay in Noxian political affairs during the era before the militarization of the Noxian government. In those days, this guild of powerful magicians met in secret to further their hidden agenda, and to hone a craft more subtle than that preferred by those currently in power.
While their exact motives have always remained mysterious, it was widely believed that the Black Rose was the true power behind the throne while the aristocracy still reigned in Noxus. When raw martial prowess became the ultimate determination of whose will held sway in the Empire, the Black Rose seemed to vanish overnight. Many believed that perhaps their time had simply passed, and that its members had put aside their quests for social and political dominance. When LeBlanc reemerged at the gates of the Institute of War, however, it became clear that these masters of shadow and flame had simply been biding their time, waiting for a new global authority to emerge: the League of Legends.
Leblanc is a good pick when the enemy team has 3 squishy champions such as AD champions like Ashe, support champions like Janna, Soraka, or Sona, and AP champions in the mid lane such as Brand, Annie, and Ryze (who have a very small health pool until late game). She works great in solo lanes due to her early game burst, but in the current style of play, avoid picking her against champions such as Morgana. Leblanc's dominance in the early game forces her lane opponent to almost always build defensive items while at the same time zoning them, thus hindering their damage output into the mid game. This, in combination with her ganking ability and early to mid game instant burst, gives her team strong Dragon and map control.
Passive--Mirror Image:When LeBlanc drops below 40% Health, she becomes invisible for 1 second and creates a Mirror Image that deals no damage and lasts for up to 8 seconds.
Q--Sigil of Malice:LeBlanc projects an orb towards her target, dealing magic damage and marking the target for 3.5 seconds. If the target takes damage from one of LeBlanc's abilities, the sigil will trigger, dealing damage.
While their exact motives have always remained mysterious, it was widely believed that the Black Rose was the true power behind the throne while the aristocracy still reigned in Noxus. When raw martial prowess became the ultimate determination of whose will held sway in the Empire, the Black Rose seemed to vanish overnight. Many believed that perhaps their time had simply passed, and that its members had put aside their quests for social and political dominance. When LeBlanc reemerged at the gates of the Institute of War, however, it became clear that these masters of shadow and flame had simply been biding their time, waiting for a new global authority to emerge: the League of Legends.
"The world is very different for those who cannot see beyond what is placed before their very eyes."― LeBlanc, the Deceiver
Leblanc is a heavy burst Ability Power (AP) champion with excellent mobility and crowd control potential when used correctly. Her ability to dominate lanes early game in combination with her heavy burst and snowball effect allow for her to both zone her own lane and frequently gank other lanes, allowing for a very dominant early to mid game. This dominance allows her to scale into a late game AP assassin that can instantly remove a squishy champion from a late game battle. Although she is a bit difficult to master mechanically, her mobility which matches Kassadin's and burst which matches Veigar's mixed with a healthy amount of CC makes Leblanc an extremely viable pick in solo queue.
Leblanc is a good pick when the enemy team has 3 squishy champions such as AD champions like Ashe, support champions like Janna, Soraka, or Sona, and AP champions in the mid lane such as Brand, Annie, and Ryze (who have a very small health pool until late game). She works great in solo lanes due to her early game burst, but in the current style of play, avoid picking her against champions such as Morgana. Leblanc's dominance in the early game forces her lane opponent to almost always build defensive items while at the same time zoning them, thus hindering their damage output into the mid game. This, in combination with her ganking ability and early to mid game instant burst, gives her team strong Dragon and map control.
Passive--Mirror Image:When LeBlanc drops below 40% Health, she becomes invisible for 1 second and creates a Mirror Image that deals no damage and lasts for up to 8 seconds.
W--Distortion:LeBlanc rapidly dashes to a target location, dealing magic damage to nearby units. In the following 4 seconds, she can activate Distortion again to return to her starting location.
E--Ethereal Chains:LeBlanc flings illusionary chains towards a target location. If it hits an enemy unit, it will deal initial magic damage and slow their Movement Speed by 25%. If the target remains shackled for 2 seconds, the target takes additional magic damage and is unable to move.
R--Mimic:LeBlanc can cast a mimicked version of the previous spell she cast.
Although she is challenging to mechanically master (adding to her fun to play factor), Leblanc is one of the few champions in this game that you can just walk around the map racking up champion kills. Killing champions is fun. Leblanc is also a champion with huge mobility with her W > R combo so she can avoid dying. Dying is not fun. Combine the two, and you have one of the most enjoyable champions to play in this game; a champion that's able to instantly kill champions without dying herself. If this doesn't satisfy you enough, juking people with your W is just crazy fun. ;)
War Thunder - My Favourite Nations and Planes!
My Favourite Nations and Planes!
Each of the five nations in War Thunder each contain their own unique play style. From the heavier planes known as the Boom and Zoom (BnZ) type which are specialised to dive on unsuspecting opponents and open up with their heavy arsenal to the turn fighters where they are light, fragile and have more lighter and accurate weapons with a smaller ammo rack.
Although all five nations contain a mixture of both the BnZ and Turnfighter class fighters. Nation's such as Germany and US, contain mainly BnZ fighters such as the Bf109 series, Focke Wulf 109 series, Mustangs and F4U Corsairs with a small number of well balanced fighters such as the F8F-1 and F8F-B Bearcats.
Japan and Britain on the otherhand contain mainly turnfighters specialising in close combat. Preferring turn fighters over the BnZ class planes, my favourites include Japan's A6M2 and A6M3 also known as 'Zeroes' and Britains Spitfire Mk IIB and the Spitfire Griffon Mk 24 aswell as bombers such as the B-17.
Japan - A6M2 (Zero)
Britain - Spitfire Mk II.B
My four favourite fighters listed above are agile, and the more devastating accurate cannons compared to the fw-190s/bf109s cannons but however they suffer from major drawbacks which affects them in realistic battles due to them having the lowest amount of cannon ammo which is unfavourable in long drawn out battles. The Spitfire Griffon Mk 24 is my most played which is both a high tier turn fighter aswell as having similar characteristics of BnZ fighters. Although the griffon has a relatively small ammo load of 520 Hispano Mk V cannons compared to its German and American counterparts, the need to think over your small ammo load makes it alot more challenging and difficult to know when to shoot. Using the most devastating cannon type in the game only a small short accurate burst is needed to knock out any plane in the sky.
Although all five nations contain a mixture of both the BnZ and Turnfighter class fighters. Nation's such as Germany and US, contain mainly BnZ fighters such as the Bf109 series, Focke Wulf 109 series, Mustangs and F4U Corsairs with a small number of well balanced fighters such as the F8F-1 and F8F-B Bearcats.
F4U Corsairs
Japan and Britain on the otherhand contain mainly turnfighters specialising in close combat. Preferring turn fighters over the BnZ class planes, my favourites include Japan's A6M2 and A6M3 also known as 'Zeroes' and Britains Spitfire Mk IIB and the Spitfire Griffon Mk 24 aswell as bombers such as the B-17.
Japan - A6M2 (Zero)
Britain - Spitfire Mk II.B
My four favourite fighters listed above are agile, and the more devastating accurate cannons compared to the fw-190s/bf109s cannons but however they suffer from major drawbacks which affects them in realistic battles due to them having the lowest amount of cannon ammo which is unfavourable in long drawn out battles. The Spitfire Griffon Mk 24 is my most played which is both a high tier turn fighter aswell as having similar characteristics of BnZ fighters. Although the griffon has a relatively small ammo load of 520 Hispano Mk V cannons compared to its German and American counterparts, the need to think over your small ammo load makes it alot more challenging and difficult to know when to shoot. Using the most devastating cannon type in the game only a small short accurate burst is needed to knock out any plane in the sky.
Britain - Spitfire Griffon Mk 24
US - B-17
One of the most played bombers in the game due to it's defensive capabilities and ability to take a beating, the B-17 is also one of my favourite planes to play when I feel like a change from the usual fighters. Having to learn to aim ahead though the bomber's bomb scopes to predict your target's movement and also learning how to play in the gunner's view makes playing bombers incredibly fun if you also play with a formation of bombers. The B-17, also known as the Flying Fortress is equipped with 12.7 browning machine guns across the entire plane providing nearly no blind spots for enemy fighters to sneak up through.
Tuesday, 12 May 2015
My favorite hero in Dota2
As I have mentioned before, Dota is a team game, so only individualism can not win a game or save whole team. However, when you have played this game for many years, you may find that you usually use some same heroes for several times. There are many reasons, but for me, it is just because of three explanations: I always win when using him, I can feel teamwork pleasure from him, and just for a more interesting game.
First of all, bloodseeker is the hero who I use then I can lead team to a victory all the time. He belongs to agility type, which can be a leader carry in a team, because he has a really high agility growth which makes him release more output at later period than other agility heroes. What's more, one of his skill is definitely incredible, named Thirst. This skill can make him get lots of blood just in a second especially when he killed another enemy hero. And his ultimate skill, the Rupture, is a bloody skill which is damaging one and can be very useful when you are equipped with some equipment which can make enemies moving. All in all, this hero is really suitable for me, and I love him just because he can always bring me a victory!
In addition, there is another one I am interest in very much, given he shows me the essential of the game, teamwork. She is vengeful spirit, who is a agility hero as well but plays a different role in a team, core support. Her importance contributes to her skills, the stunning one and swapping position one. With this two skills, she can easily help most of leader or DPS(a hero who have a high damage per second)to kill any enemy they face in battlefield. This characteristic makes me feel that I am controlling the whole pace of the game, and help my teammates to get more kills experience and money then finally win the game with my indispensable support.
At last but not least, I'd like to introduce my most favorite hero, pudge. He looks a little disgusting but he is a really funny guy to control in a game. Because he can make your enemies coming to your face even from a dark corner where your enemies could not see. What's funnier is that you can pull back your teammates from distance especially when they are going to die due to enemies' damage. When playing this hero, the most important thing is to show, to show subtle operating, strategy to deal with every details, and strength to take a adventure. Although I can't win the game using him, I still love it most because he always make me full of energy and make me laugh from deep inside.
--by Chong Yao
First of all, bloodseeker is the hero who I use then I can lead team to a victory all the time. He belongs to agility type, which can be a leader carry in a team, because he has a really high agility growth which makes him release more output at later period than other agility heroes. What's more, one of his skill is definitely incredible, named Thirst. This skill can make him get lots of blood just in a second especially when he killed another enemy hero. And his ultimate skill, the Rupture, is a bloody skill which is damaging one and can be very useful when you are equipped with some equipment which can make enemies moving. All in all, this hero is really suitable for me, and I love him just because he can always bring me a victory!
In addition, there is another one I am interest in very much, given he shows me the essential of the game, teamwork. She is vengeful spirit, who is a agility hero as well but plays a different role in a team, core support. Her importance contributes to her skills, the stunning one and swapping position one. With this two skills, she can easily help most of leader or DPS(a hero who have a high damage per second)to kill any enemy they face in battlefield. This characteristic makes me feel that I am controlling the whole pace of the game, and help my teammates to get more kills experience and money then finally win the game with my indispensable support.
--by Chong Yao
Age of Empires 2 Story
Act 1:
During the first act, the player assumes the role of Knights of the St. John which resembles the Spanish Civilization, which have many colonies in the area throughout the first act. This act is set in the late 16th century, and the player controls Morgan Black, a knight of the St. John, who's role is to defend the last stronghold on Malta from the Ottoman Empire.
Morgan is ordered by his superior Alain Magnan to hold Sahin on the beach, which he manages to do until the Ottomans bring up their great bombards. Morgan then lights a signal fire to call in supporting cavalry led by Alain, who drive the Turks back and they defend the base.
Using a stolen cannon, Morgan and Alain drive to Ottomans from Malta, while destroying their weapon stockpiles in the nearby caves. Inside the cave they realize the Ottomans were actually interested in a stone library that told the story of the Lake of the Moon, which contained the fountain of youth, a relic that was rumored to give immortality to whoever found it.
Morgan them sailed to the New World under command from Alain to search for the fountain of youth, however he was soon attacked by the pirate Elizabet Ramsey and is forced to stop in the nearby Caribbean islands. Morgan reengaged Elizabet and after her defeat, his crew were able to locate some navigation tools to safely bring them to New Spain.
In the New World, Spanish Conquistador Fransisco De Leon is able to capture some Ottoman soldiers before Morgan can. Morgan is then forced to defeat the Spanish as they are attacking his new allies, the Aztecs. After his battle to defend the Aztecs, Morgan realizes that Delgado and the Spanish were after the map to the Lake of the Moon disguised as the mosaic in the Aztecs' town square. The mosaic shows the Lake of the Moon being in Florida
In Florida, Morgan is met by his commander Alain Magnan and is commanded to capture the Spanish Treasure Fleet while he rushes to find the lake. Morgan defeats the Spanish Treasure Fleet, killing Fransisco de Leon, while also capturing the leader of the Ottoman soldiers.
Upon reaching the Lake of the Moon, the group captures and retains an enormous stationary cannon called a "Fixed Gun" from a Circle's town across their fort. Using the Fixed Gun, Lizzie's fleet of fire ships made from captured treasure ships loaded with Sahin's explosives, and Morgan's ground forces holding off the Circle's elite Boneguard, they destroy the Fountain. As damage to the Fountain increases, Alain Magnan personally leads a force of Boneguard in a counterattack and is killed during the fighting.
During the first act, the player assumes the role of Knights of the St. John which resembles the Spanish Civilization, which have many colonies in the area throughout the first act. This act is set in the late 16th century, and the player controls Morgan Black, a knight of the St. John, who's role is to defend the last stronghold on Malta from the Ottoman Empire.
Morgan is ordered by his superior Alain Magnan to hold Sahin on the beach, which he manages to do until the Ottomans bring up their great bombards. Morgan then lights a signal fire to call in supporting cavalry led by Alain, who drive the Turks back and they defend the base.
Using a stolen cannon, Morgan and Alain drive to Ottomans from Malta, while destroying their weapon stockpiles in the nearby caves. Inside the cave they realize the Ottomans were actually interested in a stone library that told the story of the Lake of the Moon, which contained the fountain of youth, a relic that was rumored to give immortality to whoever found it.
Morgan them sailed to the New World under command from Alain to search for the fountain of youth, however he was soon attacked by the pirate Elizabet Ramsey and is forced to stop in the nearby Caribbean islands. Morgan reengaged Elizabet and after her defeat, his crew were able to locate some navigation tools to safely bring them to New Spain.
In the New World, Spanish Conquistador Fransisco De Leon is able to capture some Ottoman soldiers before Morgan can. Morgan is then forced to defeat the Spanish as they are attacking his new allies, the Aztecs. After his battle to defend the Aztecs, Morgan realizes that Delgado and the Spanish were after the map to the Lake of the Moon disguised as the mosaic in the Aztecs' town square. The mosaic shows the Lake of the Moon being in Florida
In Florida, Morgan is met by his commander Alain Magnan and is commanded to capture the Spanish Treasure Fleet while he rushes to find the lake. Morgan defeats the Spanish Treasure Fleet, killing Fransisco de Leon, while also capturing the leader of the Ottoman soldiers.
Upon reaching the Lake of the Moon, the group captures and retains an enormous stationary cannon called a "Fixed Gun" from a Circle's town across their fort. Using the Fixed Gun, Lizzie's fleet of fire ships made from captured treasure ships loaded with Sahin's explosives, and Morgan's ground forces holding off the Circle's elite Boneguard, they destroy the Fountain. As damage to the Fountain increases, Alain Magnan personally leads a force of Boneguard in a counterattack and is killed during the fighting.
Sunday, 10 May 2015
LoL Background Story
As a direct response to the world's growing physical and political instability, Valoran's key magicians – including many powerful summoners – came to the conclusion that conflicts needed to be resolved in a controllable and systemic way. They formed an organization called the League of Legends, whose purpose was to oversee the orderly resolution of political conflict in Valoran. Housed in the Institute of War, the League would be given the authority by Valoran's political entities to govern the outcomes of the organized conflict they would administer.
The League resolved that all major political conflict would be settled through the use of specially prepared arenas strategically located throughout Valoran. Summoners representing a particular political allegiance would each call forth a champion; the champions, leading mindless minions generated by novice summoners manipulating a Nexus, would fight to achieve the objective of the arena they were in. The most common victory condition of a battle arena would be to destroy the opposing faction’s Nexus. These arenas are collectively referred to as "The Fields of Justice".
The fights in the various Fields of Justice over which the League presides are not only of great political interest to Valoran, but also of great social interest. The League magically transmits the sights and sounds of the action as it unfolds to specially built arcane receivers located in key settlements throughout Valoran. Watching a fight in a Field of Justice is one of the more popular entertainment activities Valoran's denizens engage in.
And there are FOUR fields in the field of justice:
The Crystal Scar - The Crystal Scar was once known as the mining village of Kalamanda, until open war between Demacia and Noxus broke out over control of its vast underground riches. Settle your disputes on this Field of Justice by working with your allies to seize capture points and declare dominion over your enemies!
The League resolved that all major political conflict would be settled through the use of specially prepared arenas strategically located throughout Valoran. Summoners representing a particular political allegiance would each call forth a champion; the champions, leading mindless minions generated by novice summoners manipulating a Nexus, would fight to achieve the objective of the arena they were in. The most common victory condition of a battle arena would be to destroy the opposing faction’s Nexus. These arenas are collectively referred to as "The Fields of Justice".
The fights in the various Fields of Justice over which the League presides are not only of great political interest to Valoran, but also of great social interest. The League magically transmits the sights and sounds of the action as it unfolds to specially built arcane receivers located in key settlements throughout Valoran. Watching a fight in a Field of Justice is one of the more popular entertainment activities Valoran's denizens engage in.
And there are FOUR fields in the field of justice:
The Crystal Scar - The Crystal Scar was once known as the mining village of Kalamanda, until open war between Demacia and Noxus broke out over control of its vast underground riches. Settle your disputes on this Field of Justice by working with your allies to seize capture points and declare dominion over your enemies!
The Howling Abyss - The Howling Abyss is a bottomless crevasse located in the coldest, cruelest, part of the Freljord. Legends say that, long ago, a great battle took place here on the narrow bridge spanning the chasm. No one remembers who fought here, or why, but it is said that if you listen carefully to the wind you can still hear the cries of the vanquished tossed howling into the Abyss. 
Summoner's Rift - The oldest and most venerated Field of Justice is known as The Summoner’s Rift. This battleground is known for the constant conflicts fought between two opposing groups of Summoners. Traverse down one of three different paths in order to attack your enemy at their weakest point. Work with your allies to siege the enemy base and destroy their Nexus!
The Twisted Treeline - Deep in the Shadow Isles lies a ruined city shattered by magical disaster. Those who venture inside the ruins and wander through the Twisted Treeline seldom return, but those who do tell tales of horrific creatures and the vengeful dead.
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