Monday 25 May 2015

Diablo - The begin & the end in my school life

Diablo Series is the first game and also the last game I play in my school life. 

More than ten years ago at primary school age, i started playing my first game while my older brother leaves his desktop on for sleep. On his desktop, there are kind of classic games such as Heroes of Jin Yong, Winning Eleven 9, Counter Strike 1.5 and Diablo 2. Because i cannot find the controller, and i have no more choice of game. Then, i double-clicked the Diablo 2 icons and my gaming life started from this point. 

After playing several hours, i absolute addict of this game. The only problem is not having many chances to play on a computer which is my brother dominated. After that, i always bargained parents to buy one more desktop for assisting me study, which is a plot of having a gaming desktop. Although my plan failed and i argue for having computer time, i still cannot play more on it. Moreover, i not a boy who easy give up and a negotiate with my brother. 

Come up a rule of change sit after dead in the game, and it is the best gaming childhood forever by being played with Counter Strike 1.5 and Diablo 2. The additional fun moment of that period, we will play Winning Eleven 9 by betting everything for each match, such as sweeping floor, cash and punish. 

During days gone, players on Diablo 2 became less and we left too. Until the Diablo 3 published ten years later, we play it again while we grow up and i already got a laptop. But my brother studied overseas and had the time difference for play Diablo 3 with me. 

And few years passed, situation still the same which is i studied overseas and he backed home. The happiness on gaming with him only on holiday. It's hard to find a free time of playing it anymore now and so on i have not bought the expansion version too. I believe one day, maybe in Diablo 4, i will play this game again.

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