When starting a new game of Age of Empires II, you will start in the dark ages with three villagers and one scout. In order to increase population potential for your civilization, you will need the villagers to build three houses. Meanwhile, allow the scout to search for resources and uncover more of the map. After the villagers have built the houses, have them start collecting food, If the food source is forage or fish, have them build a mill next to it in order to collect food more effectively. Afterwards you should continue to create more villagers and have them collect more wood, once you have reached 60 units of wood, you should create a barracks and train some militia in order to protect your village, these units will be upgraded later when you have evolved through to a different age. Soon after this you will be able to build a lumber camp near the forest, which will be needed later to build more houses. You have to be careful about depleting your sources of food too early on into the game, therefore you should shift from hunting and gathering to farming and agriculture once you have the available resources. By now you should have a total population of 35 (1 scout, 14 farmers and 15 woodcutters). There is no need to worry about gold or stone at this point, as they take too long to gather and cannot be used until the next age. You should then advance to the feudal age as soon as possible.
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